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Archive for the 'Back Pain' Category

Low Back Pain and Disability Among the Elderly

It’s estimated that 20-40% of older adults suffer from chronic low back pain. While low back pain can occur at any age, it is particularly challenging for the elderly, as it often interferes with daily activities, sleep, and exercise. Left unaddressed, chronic low back pain can increase the risk of depression, irritability, social isolation, and [..]

Stretching or Strengthening Exercises for Low Back Pain?

Research indicates that back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, even more than heart disease and diabetes. It’s estimated that about 80% of adults will experience an episode of low back pain during their lifetime. Additionally, more than half of those who develop back pain will either have another episode within the year [..]

Glute Weakness and Low Back Pain

While we traditionally view low back pain as the result of a problem localized to the low back itself, several studies have found that issues in adjacent parts of the body can play a role in the development of low back pain.  For example, chronically tight hamstrings can affect pelvic tilt, which in turn can [..]

Low Back Pain in Teen Tennis Players

From its origins in northern France in the Middle Ages, tennis has grown into one of the most popular sports in the world and is commonly found in high school and college athletic programs. As with all sports played by teens and young adults, participation is not without risk and musculoskeletal complaints are unfortunately common. [..]

Yoga for Low Back Pain Management

Low back pain is the most common form of musculoskeletal pain reported around the world and the number one reason patients seek out chiropractic care. Because weak or deconditioned core muscles and reduced flexibility are common in chronic low back pain sufferers, patients are often advised to perform back-specific exercises at home and increase their [..]

Cycling-Related Low Back Pain

Despite being considered a low-impact physical activity, many recreational and professional cyclists suffer from low back pain. Past studies have found the annual prevalence of low back pain among cyclists of all levels to be roughly 50%. The United Kingdom Health & Safety Executive report noted cycling-related low back pain accounts for roughly 233,000 missed [..]

Aquatic Exercise for Low Back Pain

Deconditioned and tight muscles are often observed in patients with chronic low back pain and must be addressed for the patient to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Research on physical activity to manage chronic low back pain typically involves land-based exercises—like brisk walks or cycling, for example—but what about aquatic exercises? Do water-based exercises have a [..]

Smoking Is a Risk Factor for Back Pain

Back pain refers to pain or discomfort in the dorsal (back) region of the body, which can arise from abnormalities in spinal vertebrae, back muscles, tendons, ligaments, or neural structures.  While back pain and other musculoskeletal injuries can usually be linked to an identifiable event, like lifting with improper form, there is often a history [..]

Gardening Tips to Avoid Low Back Pain

Low back pain and gardening seem to go hand in hand, especially getting the garden ready after a long sedentary winter! As many people who love gardening know, keeping up with the weeds through the summer can also take its toll on the low back. Let’s take a look at ways to minimize low back [..]

Low Back Pain and the Hips and Legs

It’s estimated that 84% of individuals will experience at least one episode of low back pain during their lifetime, with 23% developing chronic low back pain. While dysfunction in the lumbar region is typically thought to be the cause of a patient’s low back pain, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that the underlying [..]